About us

We are all made of earth
We are Natives

We started the concept of NATIVES in 2020, having as a compass the return to innocence, seeking authenticity and the purity that the earth has to offer to our table.

We are Panayiotis Mpafis and Tassos Kourtsian and we made our dream true by creating “not just another coffee and food chain”, but by developing a whole philosophy with pillars of uniqueness and aesthetics. We are bonded by a true friendship created 20 years ago and since then we have considered each other family.

With love for the planet Earth and human beings, respect for our products’ quality and authentic tastes, commitment and support for our partners.

Every choice we make for the concept NATIVES is based on the principles of tradition and combined with sustainability, becomes our vision for all to make an effort for a better world for us and our children, living it like a native!